The Earth emerged from a swirling Nebulae of Interstellar gas and also dust along with the sun and and other bodies in our solar system. Countless mineral grains and other particles collided with each other under the force of inherent gravity and condensed into largest planet which we all know today is our planet The Earth 🌎.
The above image is created by Randeep Rai.
The Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only known planet to have a living environment and supports all life forms. The earth looks like a spheroid but it is flatter at its poles, with an equatorial diameter of 12,756 km and a polar diameter of 12,714 km. It rotates once on its own axis in 23 hours 55 minutes and 56 seconds and tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees, and orbit around the sun in an ellipse in 365 days, 6 hours and 8 minutes.
More About Earth
Situation — Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy ( मंदाकिनी )
Age — 4.6 Billion years
Mass — 5.94 × 10²¹ metric tons
Distance from Sun — 147.31 Million km
Orbital speed(around Sun) — 29.79 km/second
Average Surface Temperature — 13° Celsius
Surface Area — 510,100,500 sq. Km
Land Surface — 148,950,800 sq. Km
Solar light reaches Earth in — 8 minutes 20 seconds
Escape Velocity — 11.2 km/second
Population — 7.8 Billion (2020) according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldmeter.
Satellites — 1 Natural Satellite : The Moon > 1810 operational artificial satellites
>20,000 space debris revolving around
Surface gravity — 9.81 m/second
Atmosphere Of Earth
Surface Pressure — 101.3253 kPa
Composition Volume — 78.1% nitrogen,20.95% Oxygen, ~1% water vapour, 0.934% Argon, 0.0413% Carbon dioxide and very small amount of Neon, Helium, Methane, Krypton and Hydrogen are present.
Nowadays the amount of poisonous gases like Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide are increasing because of various types of human activities
So, we should plant enormous amount of plants to maintain our planet's young age .
Information provided by Experimental boys. Subscribe to our YouTube channel EXPERIMENTAL BOYS.
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